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The Kerulos Learning Institute
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Corey Cohen
Gay Bradshaw
Maggie Campbell
Margo DeMello
Vaughan Wilkins
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8 Lessons
Animal Being Internship
Gay Bradshaw
Overview The online classroom experience of the Animal Being Internship covers concepts and methods from neurosciences and psychology to explore how animals think, feel, and…
Not Enrolled
3 Lessons
Being Sanctuary Internship
Gay Bradshaw
Overview Between every two pines is a doorway to a new world. ― John Muir Animals have remarkably similar needs to our own. They also…
Not Enrolled
6 Lessons
Beyond Zoochosis: Healing Our Shared Captivity
Vaughan Wilkins
Overview Beyond Zoochosis explores ecopsychology, zoochosis, and the ecotherapeutic interventions used to treat captive Animals and humans. We will examine the theoretical underpinnings and learn…
Not Enrolled
8 Lessons
Caring for the Caregiver
Gay Bradshaw
Overview Although they share much with their human health counterparts, animal workers face different challenges because their charges, the animals, are governed by different laws,…
Not Enrolled
5 Lessons
Creative Beings
Maggie Campbell
Instructor Maggie Campbell Maggie Campbell is an artist and performance-maker, inspired by futures that include, and make peace with the nonhuman. She designs and creates…
Not Enrolled
9 Lessons
Elephant Liberation Seminars
Gay Bradshaw
The Elephant Liberation Program hosts biweekly seminars that discuss issues and questions concerning Elephant well-being and self-determination from the perspective of psychology and traumatology. While…
2 Lessons
Free Mini Courses
Gay Bradshaw
Presenters Abby Couture Abby Couture became an intern with The Kerulos Center in the summer of 2020. She is currently a student at McGill University…
Not Enrolled
4 Lessons
Greening Your Practice
Gay Bradshaw
Welcome to Greening Your Practice Instructor Gay Bradshaw, PhD PhD br******@ke*****.org Climate change and mass extinctions are causing a suite of symptoms such as ecoanxiety,…
Not Enrolled
6 Lessons
How Understanding Bears Can Save the Planet: The Transformative Work of Charlie Russell and the Bears
Gay Bradshaw
Course Description Prior to European colonization, Bears and humans thrived together in North America. After colonization, Bears were viewed as enemies. Bears of all species…
Not Enrolled
9 Lessons
Less Heeling, More Healing: Helping the Dogs in Our Lives Feel Safe, Secure, and Whole
Corey Cohen
Instructor Corey M. Cohen, BS, CMI For the past 35+ years, Corey Cohen has helped people and Dogs grow synergistic friendships based on mutual respect,…
Not Enrolled
4 Lessons
Lessons from the Elephants
Gay Bradshaw
Carol Buckley, the world’s foremost authority on adult Elephant psychology and trauma healing, shares what she has learned in her over forty years’ journey with…
Not Enrolled
1 Lesson
Mariposa Meditations
Gay Bradshaw
Mariposa Meditations: Connecting Spiritual Development with Nature’s Ethic Overview Mariposa Meditations is a biweekly gathering of new and seasoned meditators who seek to connect their practice directly…
Not Enrolled
6 Lessons
Nature Mindfulness: Meditation Practice for Animal Activists, Rescue, and Care
Gay Bradshaw
Instructors Music Siddhartha Corsus Siddhartha Corsus is a musician, producer and composer whose music spans between many different styles and genres with a strong world…
Not Enrolled
6 Lessons
Sky Minds
Gay Bradshaw
Instructor: G.A. Bradshaw, PhD, PhD Dates: Available now: Self-paced lectures with live discussion. Prerequisites: None Tuition: TBA The online classroom experience of the Sky Minds…
Not Enrolled
8 Lessons
Takin’ It to the Feet: Nonhuman Nature Research Methods
Margo DeMello
Instructors Margo DeMello, PhD Margo DeMello received her doctorate degree in Cultural Anthropology from U.C. Davis in 1995, and currently teaches at Canisius College in…
Not Enrolled
4 Lessons
Trauma-informed Care for Animals I – Fundamental Concepts
Gay Bradshaw
Almost all rescued Animals suffer severe stress and trauma and require special care to regain their health and happiness. Learn how you can help Animals…
Not Enrolled
4 Lessons
Trauma-informed Care for Animals II – Healing in Sanctuary
Gay Bradshaw
Almost all rescued Animals suffer severe stress and trauma and require special care to regain their health and happiness. Learn how you can help Animals…