Greening Your Practice

Gay Bradshaw · October 21, 2019

Welcome to Greening Your Practice


Gay Bradshaw, PhD PhD br******@ke*****.org

Climate change and mass extinctions are causing a suite of symptoms such as ecoanxiety, extinction illness, and ecological grief, however, conventional therapies and insurance typically don’t include consideration of nature. Drawing from neuroscience, ecopsychology and trans-species psychology, Greening Your Practice is a four-part seminar that shows mental health professionals how to “green” their practice to support clients and the planet.

About Instructor

Gay Bradshaw

Dr. Bradshaw holds doctorate degrees in ecology and psychology, and has published, taught, and lectured widely in these fields both in the U.S. and internationally. She is the author of Pulitzer Prize-nominated Elephants on the Edge: What Animals Teach Us about Humanity, published by Yale University Press, an in-depth psychological portrait of Elephants in captivity and in the wild. Dr. Bradshaw’s work focuses on trans-species psychology, the theory and methods for the study and care of Animal psychological well-being and multi-species cultures. Her research expertise includes the effects of violence on and trauma recovery Elephants, Grizzly Bears, Chimpanzees, and Parrots, and other species in captivity.

13 Courses

+4 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • 10 Topics
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