Learning in Service to Animals
The Kerulos Learning Institute is the educational arm of the non-profit organization, The Kerulos Center. We believe that learning becomes meaningful only when linked to action. Our learning-in-service courses, internships, and mentoring combine online learning with practical hands-on work that directly supports animals and the organizations working to save them. As graduates of these courses, learners become part of a community of people changing their lives so that other animals can survive and thrive.
Engage as a learner in your own way. Our programs and courses are primarily socially-interactive online experiences supplemented by mentoring from our faculty. Choose between live webinars, recorded sessions, or one-on-one mentoring.
Course and programs at The Kerulos Learning Institute are always academically rigorous. But with the challenge of stretching your wings comes the thrill of insight and the perspective that well-earned knowledge brings.
You can choose to never be the same again. Learning empowers, knowledge liberates, and you may never go back.